Marianne's Response

Best roses for Western Washington

What are your recommendations for the best roses for Western Washington (Olympia) – disease resistant, simple to prune, hardy? I apologize because I know you’ve addressed this question before but I couldn’t find it in the archived Q&A.

Posted by Trice Konschuh on April 15, 2019

Marianne's Response

No apologies I am delighted to recommend roses for the cool summer climate of Western Washington. The most disease resistant roses are usually pink as the petal color is linked to resistance to black spot. So Queen Elizabeth, Bonica, The Fairy and the Peace roses are old time favorites. The newer shrub or landscape roses also do well such as the Flower Carpet roses and Knock Out roses. Finally, there is an old fashioned climbing rose called Zephrine Doughlin that blooms in part shade and has no thorns...I have found it to be disease resistant in my own garden. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti