Marianne's Response

Planting hybrid teas and grandifloras as hedges

I recently bought a few hybrid teas and grandifloras and would like to plant them as hedges. How far apart should i space them? Can all hybrid teas and grandifloras be planted as hedges or only certain varieties? How tall would they eventually get at maturity? Would it look spectacular as a hedge?

Posted by Hamid Sabir on March 7, 2019

Marianne's Response

Yes, a hedge of roses would look spectacular! You do need to know that roses do best in full sun with good drainage, rich soil and lots of water in hot weather. Spacing depends on the variety but 5 feet apart would give good air circulation to each rose plant to help prevent diseases. Some grandiflora roses like Queen Elizabeth would grow to 6 feet. The hybrid teas can be pruned hard to keep them at 4 feet or grown to be tall but then not as much foliage at the bottom. There are roses called shrub roses that have foliage all the way to the ground and have been bred to be living hedges. An example are the Flower carpet roses, Bonica,  some of the really shrubby David Austin roses and if you have lots of room the huge and sprawling species roses.  One more idea. You can do a mixed planting of tall and skinny evergreens toward the back with roses in front. Then you would have some screening and color even in the winter months. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti