Marianne's Response

Squash season

I have a couple of butternuts and acorn squashes that have been on their vines since late spring. They appear to be quite ripe. Should I pick them now or wait until later when the vines have completely withered? I’m a bit paranoid because last year I had a beauty that I left on the vine too long and the bottom rotted.

Posted by Ronsung on October 8, 2018

Marianne's Response

Pick those squash now before late autumn rain and hail begin to damage the skin. Winter squash such as acorn and butternut are ripe when the stem is woody and the rind or skin is so firm and tough that you can no longer puncture it with a thumbnail. Acorn squash is not a good keeper so try to eat it soon after it is harvested. Butternut may last longer in storage but for best quality and flavor cook and eat within a month after harvest. Store both in a cool, dry location. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti