Marianne's Response

clematis trouble

Hi! I have been growing a Vancouver Fragrant Star clematis for about 5 years now. Last year it looked beautiful. Last fall it appeared to be dying. I thought maybe just going dormant? This spring, no life, so I cut it down to a 4″ stub. Well, a new shoot appeared and I was happy! But, it just keeled over and died, but a new baby shoot started to grow. What could be wrong? It’s in a raised box up against the garage with a trellis for support. I have fed and watered it consistently. I bought this clematis because it was suppose to stand partial shade. The box is open bottomed, so it has room to spread it’s roots. Thank you!

Posted by Kathy Strain on June 15, 2019

Marianne's Response

Sounds like the dreaded clematis wilt disease. This is a fungal infection caused by cool, moist weather, poor air circulation or damaged stems or roots that allow entry of the fungal spores. The good news is that it infects the foliage and stem not the roots. If you cut the stem to ground level it may come back fresh. But be patient. It can take up to three years for the roots to resprout. You can also try to grow more wilt resistant clematis. The species and the small flowered varieties are more resistant to the fungi. Do not compost old vines and keep the area clean of debris where the fungal spores can over winter. Good luck, Keep growing, Marianne Binetti