Marianne's Response

Fuchsia is acting like it’s fall.

My Fuchsia is acting like it’s fall. My fuchsia is starting to develop seed pods and looking scraggly as if fall is upon us. Is there anyway I can stop it from doing this and give it a little more life. I see these beautiful fuchsia all the way into October and it just never seems to be the behavior of my fuchsias. I’m well aware that it’s likely user error. Help! What can I do to help my fuchsia have a long and beautiful life?

Posted by Terre Krotzer on August 17, 2018

Marianne's Response

The first thing to do is cut off all the berries and faded blooms. Once a flower fades and goes to seed the flower production stops. You can even tip prune the branches by cutting them back by one third. Next fertilize with a liquid plant food with the numbers 20-20-20 or similar. You need a quick acting fertilizer to shock your fuchsia into flower production fast. Then keep the plants watered but  out of the hot afternoon sun. Too much heat or dry soil will stop bud production. Next spring, grow your fuchsias  in a cool spot and use a slow release plant food like Osmocote in late May to enjoy fuchsia blooms all summer. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti