Marianne's Response

Need to know what plant this is

Not sure what type of flower plant this is and how can I make it keep blooming flower’s?

Posted by Julie Sutton on July 3, 2019

Marianne's Response

Lucky you! That hanging basket is a non-stop begonia and blooms all summer until frost if you keep it out of direct sun (loves shade and cool weather) keep the soil moist and fertilize with a slow release plant food like Osmocote or a quicker acting water soluble plant food such as Miracle Grow. Flowering baskets need fertilizer as they use up nutrients quickly. Just don't over feed or the leaves will burn with brown edges. Follow instructions on fertilizer label. You can also pick off faded blooms and stems to encourage more blooms. I do see it is next to a brick wall. Hope the wall does not get too hot as this plant hates hot weather and direct sun. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti  P.S. I grow these every summer in a window box that gets no sun.